Transformer X: video+photo+audio?

(click here to see the video tutorial)

I’m often asked what is that triple-decker I hold around when I shoot.  It’s big, it’s heavy and it looks like is out of a Transformer episode.

Well, it actually is! It’s a camera (a Nikon D700) with a P7000 mounted on top (on the flash hot shoe) for the video recording. Add to it an external mic and that’s it! You got a perfect tool to shoot photos and videos at the same time.


Because sometimes a photo is not enough and you feel like giving your readers the full story: to let them see what you saw, not only with a shot but with video and audio as well.

What I do  often, is inclining the videocamera a little bit toward the photo camera. A small portion of the lens will fall in the scene and that’s made on purpose. I like showing a real backstage experience.

Sometimes (often, I’d say) “thinking – and shooting – different” give unpredictable and interesting results.

So, here’s the “Transformer”, what do you think?

Antonio Amendola

[vsw id=”VA5WXkBb8GY” source=”youtube” width=”525″ height=”444″ autoplay=”no”]

There are 2 comments

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  1. Roberto Bianconi

    Bello, assomiglia vagamente a quello di Christian Frei, ma loro utilizavano una microcamera Sony con pesi ed ingombri molto più ridotti.
    Non mi sembrava però un “Tutorial”, ma forse mi sbaglio, comunque non si passa inosservati con questa soluzione.

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