
Through their Eyes (a Project and an Exhibition in Bruxelles)

Unleashing inspiring creativity through Photography

Join us for an evening of inspiration as we celebrate the opening of the first photo exhibition by a group of talented young Ukrainian refugees in Brussels!


Over the past months, Shoot4Change, the atelier ciné-photo de la Maison des Cultures de Molenbeek and the Ukrainian Civil Society Hub joined forces,  with the support of AT&T and others, and provided these children with free Photography classes, allowing them to express their emotions and overcome the stereotypes and traumas associated with war.

Through this exhibition, these young photographers aim to showcase a new reality, beyond the images of Russian aggression in Ukraine that dominate the media and social networks.

Next Monday we will present some inspiring portraits of their families, shot by this new generation of storytellers.

The result is a powerful testament to the transformative power of photography and the resilience of these young artists.

We invite you to join us at the Ukraine Civil Society Hub at the Station Europe in Place Luxembourg (in front of the European Parliament) on Monday, April 3rd at 18:00, to witness the creativity and resilience of these talented young artists

Working with these talented kids has been truly exciting and inspiring. There is nothing better than unleashing kids creativity!

Let's come together to celebrate the power of photography and the voices of these young storytellers, then.

Remember, some stories disappear without anybody to tell them. But storytellers are nothing without anybody listening to them.

See you there!

Antonio Amendola


ukraine 2Ukraine s4c

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