
This must be THE PlaceSomething very good happening in Costa Rica

Ok, lo ammetto e non uso mezzi termini. Avremmo dovuto aspettare ma non abbiamo resistito ad annunciarlo.

Per la prima volta S4C è coinvolta nella vera e propria costruzione di qualcosa da zero. Letteralmente dalle fondamenta.

Vi avevamo recentemente parlato di quanto svolto in Costa Rica (cliccate qui) e ora, come dire, le cose sono andate avanti.

Grazie alla collaborazione tra Colaborarte, S4C, Ozzie Hoppe, Yelena Futeran e tutti gli altri, sta nascendo un…centro culturale, una libreria per bambini, un punto di ritrovo e di ospitalità per artisti di passaggio…tutto questo e, probabilmente, col tempo, molto di più.

Qui sotto troverete alcune foto ed altre informazioni sul progetto. Ma l’idea carina che ci è venuta è quella di dare ospitalità ad artisti di passaggio. Ospitalità gratuita ad una sola condizione: restituire qualcosa al villaggio, alla comunità locale, in termini di creatività. Sia che questo significhi un corso gratuito di fotografia per i bambini o lezioni di musica. O dei libri, o delle tele, o qualsiasi cosa…

Le idee, l’arte, la creatività sono straordinarie se vengono fatte girare e condisive. Internet, le nuove tecnologie sono un miracolo che aiuta in maniera travolgente in questo. E insieme possiamo fare Rete e, speriamo, sistema, replicando questa bella iniziativa.

Avremo bisogno di voi per fare di questa realtà una splendida avventura.

Ci aiutate? Secondo me sì…





We cannot wait to tell you this one.

It’s probably too early but…who cares; it’s a beautiful initiative and surely one worth to be announced.  it’s a story that takes place in Costa Rica; a story about great people getting together and literally building something for the community. A place where artists will find a place to stay for a while and give something back to the community. It’s the story of the birth of a S4C local branch in colaboration with these amazing people.

It’s the story of Colaborarte. And here it is…



Colaborarte is a place for the arts in an unlikely locale. Far from the networked art centers of urbanized areas throughout the world, we have created a community center for the arts in a provincial coastal town where we will accommodate local creatives as well as overseas artists who would like to inspire the resident community of Esterillos Oeste, Costa Rica.

Esterillos Oeste is a small bucolic fishing town on the end of semi paved road. A location that has emerged from the survival of fishing,  the name’s definition means West Estuaries,  and the sea life is active year round. Esterillos Oeste has recently blossomed into one of the premier surfing areas in Costa Rica and is home to some of the top professional surfers coming from this country.

Over the years the town has also seen it’s foreign population grow, the growth has brought in a substantial influx of different nationalities from many parts of the world, creating a interesting mix of traditional Costa Rican culture and resident foreigners.

Our mission, along with the help of The Green Wave Project, Shoot 4 Change and Adrift Surf Shop, is to incubate local art pursuits through a art residency and nurture the artistic inclinations of the community through weekend classes, workshops, art shows, music events and studio visits.

(the place is taking shape....)

This must be the place...

We hope to create a mixed dialog within the community, helping to de-polarize foreigners and long time residents, improving the communication of the town and helping create opportunities for local art talent as well as inspire those who have never been exposed to art by giving them a voice or platform for expression. Our proximity to the town center as well as the ocean can nurture the creative youth who will frequent the center as well as provide a creative space that allows us to draw inspiration from the ocean as well as surfing.


We are excited about the potential of Colaborarte and are currently in the process of fundraising for the space. In the future we will be a permanent fixture as an art venue and through our involvement with the community of Esterillos Oeste.

Will you help us achieve this goal?

Ozzie Hoppe & Antonio AmendolaWe cannot wait to tell you this one.

It’s probably too early but…who cares; it’s a beautiful initiative and surely one worth to be announced. it’s a story that takes place in Costa Rica; a story about great people getting together and literally building something for the community. A place where artists will find a place to stay for a while and give something back to the community. It’s the story of the birth of a S4C local branch in colaboration with these amazing people.

It’s the story of Colaborarte. And here it is…


Colaborarte is a place for the arts in an unlikely locale. Far from the networked art centers of urbanized areas throughout the world, we have created a community center for the arts in a provincial coastal town where we will accommodate local creatives as well as overseas artists who would like to inspire the resident community of Esterillos Oeste, Costa Rica.
Esterillos Oeste is a small bucolic fishing town on the end of semi paved road. A location that has emerged from the survival of fishing, the name’s definition means West Estuaries, and the sea life is active year round. Esterillos Oeste has recently blossomed into one of the premier surfing areas in Costa Rica and is home to some of the top professional surfers coming from this country.

Over the years the town has also seen it’s foreign population grow, the growth has brought in a substantial influx of different nationalities from many parts of the world, creating a interesting mix of traditional Costa Rican culture and resident foreigners.
Our mission, along with the help of The Green Wave Project, Shoot 4 Change and Adrift Surf Shop, is to incubate local art pursuits through a art residency and nurture the artistic inclinations of the community through weekend classes, workshops, art shows, music events and studio visits.

(the place is taking shape....)

This must be the place...

We hope to create a mixed dialog within the community, helping to de-polarize foreigners and long time residents, improving the communication of the town and helping create opportunities for local art talent as well as inspire those who have never been exposed to art by giving them a voice or platform for expression. Our proximity to the town center as well as the ocean can nurture the creative youth who will frequent the center as well as provide a creative space that allows us to draw inspiration from the ocean as well as surfing.


We are excited about the potential of Colaborarte and are currently in the process of fundraising for the space. In the future we will be a permanent fixture as an art venue and through our involvement with the community of Esterillos Oeste.

Will you help us achieve this goal?

Ozzie Hoppe & Antonio Amendola

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