Guatemala. Chiquimula. Jocotán.

The Third Rider – Il Terzo Cavaliere

I’m extremely happy to present a preview of Alfons Rodriguez latest work: THE THIRD RIDER. You might remember that we anticipated his intention to explore the issue of hunger and malnutrition.

(click to see the gallery)

Since then I kept regular contacts with Alfons and everytime we spoke he was in a different Country: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guatemala, Philippines, Haiti, India, South Sudan… I lost count but one thing was sure: he never stopped.

Over the time, me and Alfons developed a special friendship built on reciprocal professional respect and mutual appreciation. But most of all, Alfons is one of those documentary photographer who knows better. He knows how to handle delicate situations and how to carry the burden of telling forgotten stories with respect and dignity.

Strong images for an importan project and an important photographer. And I’m proud to announce that Alfons will be among the featured photographers exhibited in the big S4C collective exhibition “Stories4Change” in Rome, opening December 4th 2012.

Antonio Amendola


The Third Rider

(by Alfons Rodriguez)

The Third Rider of the Apocalypse, hunger, the black horseman, rides cruelly over our planet, today  more than ever.

Seven billion of humans live on Earth, a quantity  that is under some aspects  unsustainable. One in seven is suffering starvation and/or malnutrition.

(click to see the gallery)

Climate change, natural disasters,  wars and violence, discrimination, high prices of  basic  food,  biofuel production and distribution of wealth…all these factors  deeply influence  the serious problem of food shortage in the world.

Women and children are among those who suffer most from the causes above mentioned.  They are considered part of  the lowest social class  in many societies of the  poorest countries. Every day 10.000 children die from  starvation.

(click to see the gallery)

This situation, however, can be reversed.  If we push all together we’ ll make the rider dismount his saddle.

This documentary project explores the problem of hunger worldwide,  trying to shed light on   causes  and  possible solutions…

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