The Kids of Wadi KhaledThe Kids of Wadi Khaled

(from Bahaa Souki/S4C Lebanon)

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I have been to  Wadi Khaled – north Lebanon – lately and I shot the photos of  these kids while they were being moved from one school to another abandoned school due to the beginning of the school year here in Lebanon.

They couldn’t enroll in the school year due to the difference in the curriculum and they looked as refugees among the local students. Some of them have lost at least a member of their family and some of them were taken into custody and tortured (not all are photographed of course).

What struck me was kids expressions…that show war effects…  Those kids seems to understand a lot about what’s going on in their country and yet starting to form an understanding of the word freedom in an early age, that’s from what they hear and say.

Bahaa Souki/S4C Lebanon


(click to see the gallery)


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