Tag Archives: mental illness



– teaser of the forthcoming Shoot4Change on mental health issues in Mexico – A Shoot4Change production [thanks for the support to:..
<!--:it-->Alina<!--:--><!--:en-->ALINA – a story<!--:-->

AlinaALINA – a story

Before you let go of journalists, all carefully groomed, and children are strictly asked to keep silence and smile. The girl, holding his own camera and beaming with happiness, suddenly became an enemy spy in her own little mini-state.

Before you let go of journalists, all carefully groomed, and children are strictly asked to keep silence and smile. The girl, holding his own camera and beaming with happiness, suddenly became an enemy spy in her own little mini-state.

Il silenzio dopo la folliaSilence after Madness

“La mia vita è qui, nel Manicomio di Lucca. Qui si snodano i miei sentimenti. Qui sincero mi manifesto. Qui vedo albe, tramonti e il tempo scorre nella mia attenzione. Dentro una stanza del Manicomio studio gli uomini e li amo. Qui attendo: gloria e morte. Di qui parto per le vacanze. Qui, fino a questo momento sono ritornato. Ed il mio desiderio è di fare di ogni grano di questo territorio un tranquillo, ordinato, universale parlare”

“My life is here, in the Asylum of Lucca. Here are my feelings unwind. Here, I manifest sincere. Here I see sunrises, sunsets and time runs in my attention. Inside a room of the Asylum I study men and love them. Here I wait Glory and Death. Hence I leave for the holidays. Here, I have returned so far. And my desire is to make every grain of this area a quiet, tidy, universal language. ”

L’Inferno dentro

10% di deceduti per percosse magnetico-catodiche
40% per malattie trasmesse
50% per odio, mancanza di amore e affetto

10% died from beatings magnetic-cathode
40% for transmitted diseases
50% for hate, lack of love and affection