
S4C Next Generation Mozambico: abbiamo bisogno di VOI!S4C Next Gen in Mozambique!

[english below]

Dopo il successo del progetto Next Generation di Roma, Barcellona, New York e Costa Rica, la fotografa catalana, membro di S4C,  Cristina Senserrich , recatasi l’anno scorso sull’isola di Nampula in Mozambico per fondare l’Onlus “Africa Sin Fronteras” , si è detta disponibile a sviluppare anche in tale nazione il progetto Next Generation.

Il suo obiettivo è dare l’opportunità di avvicinare giovani del luogo al mondo della fotografia documentarista, nella speranza che ciò possa costituire in futuro un’opportunità di sviluppo professionale.

Attualmente nell’isola di Nampula non ci sono nè giornalisti nè fotografi locali, ma solo membri di varie organizzazioni internazionali, per cui l’utilità e la necessità di formare futuri reporter locali è reale.

Come potrete immaginare la difficoltà di disporre di macchine fotografiche, non solo per il corso, ma anche per la successiva pratica dell’attività, è l’ostacolo principale alla realizzazione del progetto.

Per questo motivo, abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto per raccogliere macchine fotografiche nuove o usate (complete di carica batterie e memoria) da poter inviare in Mozambico con biglietto di sola andata :-) In alternativa, Shoot4Change raccoglie anche fondi con cui acquistare macchine da inviare a Nampula [trovate qui sul sito le modalità per donazioni anche tramite PayPal].

I centri di raccolta per il materiale o per le donazioni saranno Roma (riferimento Antonio Amendola a.amendola@shoot4change.net ) e Barcellona (riferimento Davide Camesasca davide.camesasca@gmail.com ).

Vi ringraziamo in anticipo per tutto l’aiuto ed il supporto che ci potrete dare per la realizzazione di questo progetto.

Antonio Amendola e Davide Camesasca

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Following the Success of S4C Next Generation projects in Rome, Barcelona, ​​New York and Costa Rica, the Barcelona based Catalan photographer Cristina Senserrich , which last year visited the island of Nampula in Mozambique to establish the non-profit organization “Africa Sin Fronteras“, will launch a S4C Next Gen project there in Mozambique! 

Her aim is to give young locals the opportunity to approach the  World of documentary photography, in the hope that this will be an opportunity for a potential professional development in their future.

Currently, in the island of Nampula there are neither journalists nor local photographers, but only members of various international organizations, so training future local reporters is a real challenge and a big opportunity.

As you can imagine the difficulty of having cameras, not only for our classes, but also for the  practice of, is the main obstacle to the project.

For this reason, we need YOUR help to collect new and used cameras (complete with battery charger and memory cards) that will eventually be shipped to Mozambique with a one way ticket :-)

Alternatively, Shoot4Change can also collect funds with which we’ll buy cameras for Nampula Kids  [You can found here on the website infos how to donate via PayPal].

Collection centers for materials or for donations will be both Rome (Antonio Amendola a.amendola@shoot4change.net ) and Barcelona (reference: David Camesasca davide.camesasca@gmail.com).

Thank you in advance for all the help and support to kickstart this challenge!  

Antonio Amendola & Davide Camesasca

Following the Success of S4C Next Generation projects in Rome, Barcelona, ​​New York and Costa Rica, the Barcelona based Catalan photographer Cristina Senserrich ( www.fotografiasinfronteras.com), which visited the island last year of Nampula in Mozambique to establish the non-profit organization “Africa Sin Fronteras” (link to www.africasinfronteras.org), would be interested in that nation to develop the Next Generation.

Its aim is to give young people the opportunity to approach the place in the world of documentary photography, in the hope that this will be an opportunity for professional development in the future.

Currently the island of Nampula there are neither journalists nor local photographers, but only members of various international organizations, that the utility and the need to train future local reporters is real.

As you can imagine the difficulty of having cameras, not only for the course, but also for the subsequent practice of, is the main obstacle to the project.

For this reason, we need your help to collect new and used cameras (complete with battery charger and memory) can be sent to Mozambique with a single ticket :-) Alternatively, Shoot4Change also collects funds with which to buy machines to send in Nampula [found here on the site including how to donate via PayPal].

Collection centers for materials or for donations will be Rome (Antonio Amendola a.amendola @ shoot4change.net reference) and Barcelona (reference David Camesasca davide.camesasca @ gmail.com).

Thank you in advance for all the help and support we can give for this project.

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