The school of circus of Battambang

Phare Ponleu Selpak: the brightness of arts (or a very special Refugee Circus)

(click to see the photo gallery)

[sintesi: Conoscete tutti, da tempo, Thomas Cristofoletti e la sua passione per l’Asia. In Asia, Thomas, c’è tornato ed è lì – in questo momento. Ci invia questa storia nella quale si è recentemente imbattutto. In un campo profughi al confine con la Thailandia, 8 ragazzi ed il loro insegnante francese hanno creato un’associazione (PPS) che addestra ragazzi con problemi sociali all’arte circense, dando loro – oltre a svago e divertimento – un’opportunità per il futuro. Questo fantastico circo, infatti, sta diventando famoso anche al di fuori della Cambogia. Una bella storia dove disagio sociale, impegno, volontariato e creatività si incrociano a meraviglia]


Phare Ponleu Selpak: the brightness of arts

Following drawing workshops given in Site 2, a refugee camp at the Thai border, 8 former students and their French teacher started “Phare Ponleu Selpak” (PPS), meaning “the brightness of arts”.
PPS is a Cambodian association using arts to answer children psycho social needs.

(click to see the complete photo gallery)

Since then, PPS has developed a right-based holistic approach of children needs through 3 fields of intervention: social action; educational programs; and arts and culture.
One of the most important program is the the circus school, that provides teaching in the major disciplines as juggling, acrobatics, aerial acts, clowning, balancing, dancing… Since the first performance in 2002, PPS circus troupes tour every year in Cambodia and abroad (Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa) with “new circus” shows conciliating arts and social involvement. Those achievements are allowed by the recognised training quality of permanent teachers and several foreign professional guests.

(click to see the complete photo gallery)

Every week PPS big top welcomes at least one show for the joy of tourists and Cambodians. Each year, an international Circus Festival, “Tini Tinou” (“Here and There”), is organized in the association’s compound confronting Cambodian artists and high level international performers.
more info ->

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