L’Aquila, 28th February 2010: the revolt of the barrows

(see Aldo Frezza reportage)

(see Aldo Frezza reportage)

After almost one year since the deadliest Earthquake in the late italian history, L’Aquila – in the montanous Region of Abruzzo – still bear large, visible and burning wounds. Notwithstanding official demonstration of active reconstruction (a lot has been done, to be true, in the outskirts of town) relevant areas of the city centre are still unaccessible to their inhabitants.

On february 28th, the People of l’Aquila decided to do it on their own, bringing 6000 barrows on the streets and pacifically breaking the fence. They entered the historical city center and started removing themselves the signs and the wounds of that day.

(see Aldo Frezza reportage)

(see Aldo Frezza reportage)

S4C photographer Aldo Frezza, native of that Regione, was there to witness it for us.

Here’s his reportage (click on the photo to see the Gallery)


(see Aldo Frezza reportage on 28th February 2010 in L'Aquila)

(see Aldo Frezza reportage on 28th February 2010 in L'Aquila)

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  1. nicoletta

    Con le sue foto, Aldo è riuscito a catturare la grande forza d’animo dei cittadini dell’Aquila e a darci un’informazione che è mancata, sopraffatta da altri eventi politici.

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