
Inspiring Art #1080 in Molenbeek

Bâche cour InspiringYou know them already. They are back.

Our young friends, the young storytellers of Molenbeek, return with an inspiring project and an exhibition: "Inspiring Art #1080".

It's the results of a brainstorming with them and their tutor, Zakarias, on what would make them feel engaged with their community and nehiborhood (seldom misrepresented by mainstream Media).

The idea was exciting: portraits of inspiring People of their neighborhood, shot in cultural places and seldom "used" locations.

Wow, that was a hell of a great idea! Finding and portraying inspiration in your own community and building a collective positive storytelling!

We then engaged with them a conversation about some classic photographers, some of our heroes and some of the most compelling and historic collective storytelling (like the one of the Farm Security Administration photo storytelling of rural America between 1939 and 1944): Gordon Parks, Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Margaret Bourke White, all those who keep inspiring us....

And from their looks during the presentations it was clear they understood their lesson. They understood that Photography (at least they way S4C interprets it) is about letting yourself be involved by what happens to the People, to a community.  It's about keeping the eyes open and looking for small great stories that - maybe - you always had in front of your eyes but never tried to tell.

So, this is the result. An amazing exhibition of which this is just an appetizer.

If you happen to be in Brussels from 3 to 6 May be sure not to miss it at the Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale de Molenbeek (Rue Mommaerts 4)

The opening is at 6pm on May 3rd.

Good luck guys, you are amazing.

S4C Team Brussels

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