[vsw id=”ZTFnswJRL-8″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”yes”]


I’ll write this in english because Shoot4Change group has enlarged so
much lately and writing in two languages all the time is long and,
often, unnecessary.

June 2010 marks the first year of activity of S4C!


Time has flown… 12 months spent, on a totaly voluntary basis (you are
amazing guys!), shooting tons of photos and telling stories.

We are trying to veichulate our vision, which is that it’s not important to travel the World to shoot THE STORY of your lifetime to bring social change.  You can just go around the corner and tell amazing stories…. Local stories.

Stories of  people, associations, dreamers that slowly, day by day, change their environment bringing a real social change.

What we do is giving them voice and visibility.

We believe we can change the world with photography.

We believe in crowdphotography and we believe enthusiasm and creativity is virally contagious.

We believe that we can shoot local and change global…

We believe we can change the World with a click!

Thank You. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would like to be able to say it in all the languages spoken within our network but it would be too much.

I’ve made a very short slideshow with some random shots of the last 12 months (Soundtrack is by a fantastic Florence Band called Train de Vie; young, gifted and incredibly socially inspired. The title is “Cacciatori di Nuvole”, it means “Clouds Chasers”).

I’m sure I forgot many of you and I apologize. I wanted to mention all the names of you guys but you’re way to many. There will be time for that…. [here’s a list – albeit non yet updated where you can also enroll!]

We have done so much together and I’m still stunned by how quick everything developed.

But we have just begun….



There are 6 comments

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  1. Michele Magini

    Un anno è passato in un click! Anche se a dire il vero ne abbiamo fatti tanti di scatti, ho avuto modo di vedere conoscere, testimoniare direttamente e attraverso gli occhi gli obiettivi e le storie degli altri. Al di là della nostra mission frequentare S4C apre la mente e allena a comprendere. Per me è una crescita continua! Continuiamo così!

  2. serafino R

    ciao, ho conosciuto SHOOt al suo nono mese! :)
    auguri per le prossime sfide e storie da raccontare. for change!

  3. Pasquale Senatore

    Anche se mi sono unito a voi da poco spero di poter apportare il mio piccolo contributo.Auguri,anche se in ritardo,per questo primo anniversario.

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