
GRAZIE – e buon annoTHANK YOU

Sono convinto che ci siano modi facili per dire grazie e maniere più eleganti, articolate.

Sono giorni di bilanci e non mi sottraggo.

Il 2011 è stato un anno terribile dal punto di vista economico, sociale, politico. In quasi tutto il mondo. E temo che sia appena cominciata.

Ma il 2011 per S4C è stato anche l’anno (il secondo della nostra giovane vita) in cui l’energia creativa di tantissime persone ha cominciato a convogliare verso il racconto di tante storie sottovalutate, ignorate, dimenticate.

Ne abbiamo viste tante e ne abbiamo raccontate altrettante.

Abbiamo avuto un’esposizione mediatica che ci ha lusingati e che ci ha anche responsabilizzati a fare sempre meglio.

Sicuramente ho perso qualcosa per strada. Tante, tantissime, troppe email non lette. Magari richieste non soddisfatte. Fotografie non viste per mancanza di tempo. Un’organizzazione interna ancora non perfettamente disegnata e rodata. Tante storie non raccontate.

O meglio, non ancora…

L’impegno, personale e di tutti noi di S4C, per il 2012 è continuare così e cercare di migliorare nel racconto di tutte queste storie.

Abbiamo intenzione di consolidare il progetto S4C Next Generation con bambini di varie parti del mondo (perchè loro sono i nostri futuri raccontastorie) e di far emergere la creatività fotografica di tanti giovani fotografi che non hanno facilità di accesso ai canali tradizionali dell’informazione.

E trovano queste difficoltà non solo perchè hanno scelto di fare il mestiere più bello del mondo, raccontare il Mondo con le immagini, ma perchè hanno scelto di raccontarlo dal basso, dal punto di vista degli ultimi. Di quelli che non possono permettersi un fotografo e che quindi non saranno mai raccontati da nessuno.

E’ vero. I ricchi hanno i loro fotografi.

E allora noi di S4C saremo i fotografi di tutti gli altri.

Non riuscirò a ringrazie e fare gli auguri a ciascuno di voi. E quindi…lo faccio con questo video. Davanti ogni macchina fotografica c’è una storia. Dietro ogni foto c’è un fotografo che è entrato in quella storia. E forse ne è uscito cambiato. E’ anche così che si cambia il mondo.

Avrevi voluto scrivere molto meno e quindi ora mi limito a un semplice, breve, elementare

GRAZIE. A tutti

Antonio Amendola

[vsw id=”b3ALMkq75NM” source=”youtube” width=”525″ height=”444″ autoplay=”no”]

[ok, in english now :-) ]

I’m aware there are easy and linear ways to thank somebody and there are more complex and elegant ones as well. I’ll go for the first type…

The end of the Year is approaching and the everybodys is summing up what happened.

2011 has been a terrible year from the economic, social, political point of view. Worldwide. And I’m afraid it’s just begun.

For S4C, 2011 has been the second Year of our young life. A year in which many, many, many of You joined us in telling understimated, forgotten and ignored stories. Because this is what we do.

We just tell stories with our cameras.

We’ve seen many bad things and many wonderful stories of those who bring relief in dramatic situations. And we told their stories.

Media coverage about S4C has been overwhelming and humbled us. We now carry the responsabilty of doing always better.

I admit I did mistakes. I’ve surely lost something behind due to the speed of my Life and of those who follow us. Many, too many, unread emails (I apologise guys!), requests of help non answered, Photos not seen… A not yet fully ready  internal Organisation… and so on.   Many stories not told…

Not yet….

My personal commitment, and that of all of us of S4C, is to keep it going and improve it everyday.

We want to consolidate our S4C Next Generation project with children Worldwide (because they’ll be our future storytellers!) and we want to build on the enthusiasm of countless young photographers (both pros and amateurs) Worlwide that have hard times having their stories known. Because they not only chose the most beautiful (but also among the most difficult ones) job in World….they also chose to stay on the side of the last ones; those stories that no magazine purchase; those faces that will never be featured on a magazine cover.

It’s true: the rich have their own photographers.

So we’ll be everybody else photographers. We’ll be the photographers of that 99% that shouts: hear us! See us!

Join us… There’s still a lot to see and to tell.

The video clip is for you all. Just to say a simple, straightforward:


I will not be able to personally wish to each and everyone of you all the best for 2012. So I do it with this video…

In front of each camera there is a story. Behind each Photo there is a photographer who jumped into that story. And, hopefully, came out if it changed… Maybe this is the way to change the World.


Antonio Amendola

[vsw id=”b3ALMkq75NM” source=”youtube” width=”525″ height=”444″ autoplay=”no”]


I’m aware there are easy and linear ways to thank somebody and there are more complex and elegant ones as well. I’ll go for the first type…

The end of the Year is approaching and the everybodys is summing up what happened.

2011 has been a terrible year from the economic, social, political point of view. Worldwide. And I’m afraid it’s just begun.

For S4C, 2011 has been the second Year of our young life. A year in which many, many, many of You joined us in telling understimated, forgotten and ignored stories. Because this is what we do.

We just tell stories with our cameras.

We’ve seen many bad things and many wonderful stories of those who bring relief in dramatic situations. And we told their stories.

Media coverage about S4C has been overwhelming and humbled us. We now carry the responsabilty of doing always better.

I admit I did mistakes. I’ve surely lost something behind due to the speed of my Life and of those who follow us. Many, too many, unread emails (I apologise guys!), requests of help non answered, Photos not seen… A not yet fully ready internal Organisation… and so on. Many stories not told…

Not yet….

My personal commitment, and that of all of us of S4C, is to keep it going and improve it everyday.

We want to consolidate our S4C Next Generation project with children Worldwide (because they’ll be our future storytellers!) and we want to build on the enthusiasm of countless young photographers (both pros and amateurs) Worlwide that have hard times having their stories known. Because they not only chose the most beautiful (but also among the most difficult ones) job in World….they also chose to stay on the side of the last ones; those stories that no magazine purchase; those faces that will never be featured on a magazine cover.

It’s true: the rich have their own photographers.

So we’ll be everybody else photographers. We’ll be the photographers of that 99% that shouts: hear us! See us!

Join us… There’s still a lot to see and to tell.

The video clip is for you all. Just to say a simple, straightforward:


I will not be able to personally wish to each and everyone of you all the best for 2012. So I do it with this video…
In front of each camera there is a story. Behind each Photo there is a photographer who jumped into that story. And, hopefully, came out if it changed… Maybe this is the way to change the World.


Antonio Amendola

[vsw id=”b3ALMkq75NM” source=”youtube” width=”525″ height=”444″ autoplay=”no”]

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