feel ur boobies_01s

Feel your boobies!Feel your boobies, it could save your life!

[in sintesi: lo scorso 12 aprile si e’ tenuto, a New York,  un flash mob organizzato da http://www.feelyourboobies.com/  come campagna di sensibilizzazione per la lotta al cancro al seno. Il sito promuove il sostegno peer-to-peer tra donne ed e’ stato fondato da Ms. Leigh Hurst, dopo essere sopravvissuta ad un tumore al seno diagnosticatole nel 2004.  La nostra amica Nicoletta Stizzoli, blogger di http://upgemini.blogspot.com/ ce la racconta con questa immagini]

On April 12th, New York city witnessed a joyful and hopeful flash mob. At 1PM, volunteers and random passersby held a chain of bras that looped around Union Square eliciting laughs, curiosity and, most important, attention.

(click to see the photo gallery)

The bras were donated to support the cause of Feel Your Boobies®, a breast cancer non-profit organization that promotes unconventional awareness campaigns.

(click to see the photo gallery)

The organization was founded by Leigh Hurst in 2004, after being diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33. Its mission is to remind women of the importance of knowing and feeling their own bodies.

Through outreach and viral campaigns, the foundation operates nation-wide and focuses on a less clinical approach to promote public awareness and pier-to-pier support.

Before the event, passersby were also invited to write dedication, messages, and names on the pink ribbons used to link the bras together.

According to Sasha Engel, COO/CFO at GoGORILLA Media, also co-organizers of the event, the 400+ bras made a chain about 1200-foot long!

Feel your boobies, it could save your life!

For more information, go to http://www.feelyourboobies.com/

Nicoletta  Stizzoli/ Up Gemini

(click to see the photo gallery)




  On April 12th, New York city witnessed a joyful and hopeful flash mob. At 1PM, volunteers and random passersby held a chain of bras that looped around Union Square eliciting laughs, curiosity and, most important, attention.

(click to see the photo gallery)

The bras were donated to support the cause of Feel Your Boobies®, a breast cancer non-profit organization that promotes unconventional awareness campaigns.

(click to see the photo gallery)

The organization was founded by Leigh Hurst in 2004, after being diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33. Its mission is to remind women of the importance of knowing and feeling their own bodies.

Through outreach and viral campaigns, the foundation operates nation-wide and focuses on a less clinical approach to promote public awareness and pier-to-pier support.

Before the event, passersby were also invited to write dedication, messages, and names on the pink ribbons used to link the bras together.

According to Sasha Engel, COO/CFO at GoGORILLA Media, also co-organizers of the event, the 400+ bras made a chain about 1200-foot long!

Feel your boobies, it could save your life!

For more information, go to http://www.feelyourboobies.com/

Nicoletta Stizzoli/ Up Gemini

(click to see the photo gallery)





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