Bulgaria: Syrian Refugees’ European Limbo

Bulgaria: Syrian Refugees’ European Limbo

“In Istanbul everyone told us that Bulgaria was really good, that it belongs to the European Union and has an open frontier if you want to go to any other country. Why is Bulgaria in the European Union? We’re not dogs!” Yaser complains,



[english abstract: Two days passed in the prison of Sanremo. An opportunity to better know and try to understand a really..
Lena dei cani

Lena dei cani

Lena l’ho incontrata per caso in novembre, mentre lavoravo ad un altro reportage, un mese prima della sua morte, avvenuta..
Daughters of the King / Figlie di Dio

Daughters of the King / Figlie di Dio

“L`orgoglio di una Figlia di Dio si annida nelle più segrete venature della sua anima” / “Col cavuda Bat Melech Pnima” / “The pride of a Daughter of the King resides in the most secret depths of her soul”

Veteranos: los 400 locos – the 400 Fools

Veteranos: los 400 locos – the 400 Fools

Who are we?
We are those who are abandoned and forgotten, those who decided to actively figh injustice to talk about that Past that nobody wants to talk about.
Quienes somos? Somos esos que siguen abandonados y olvidados, esos que decidimos que solo luchando activamente podremos demostrar la injusticia de aquel pasado del que nadie quiere hablar.

Blood Feuds

Blood Feuds

(a story by Nick St.Oegger) When standing on the wall of Rozafa castle in Shkoder, watching the sun set over..