Radici Memorie Partigiane Oggi è il 25 aprile 2014. Abbiamo deciso di festeggiarlo anticipandovi un progetto in cui crediamo molto...
(…) Consider photography as music; there are moments in a symphony or any arrangement where the rhythm and musical lyric of a composition has elements of intensity, shifting over to extremely sublet yet equally felt measures barely perceptible yet can be felt in great complexity or weight. (…)
[english below] “Vale davvero la pena (e il pericolo) di scendere in piazza “armati” di macchina fotografica o telecamera per..
[english below] Pig Iron (il ferro dei porci) è un libro fotografico di Giulio Di Meo (vecchio amico e membro di S4C) sulle..
Non vedevo Rotex (Fabrizio Marta) dall’inizio dell’avventura di Shoot4Change. Ci siamo conosciuti attraverso i nostri blog di viaggio. Anche lui..
“The Neglected” street children of Ukraine from David Gillanders. THE NEGLECTED We are very happy to present you, today, a..
“Sacred in Haiti” is the result of a journey and the discovery of the traditional vodoo ceremonies in Lakou Soukri and Seau d’eau, two very sacred and mystical religious sites in Haiti.“Sacred in Haiti” is the result of a journey and the discovery of the traditional vodoo ceremonies in Lakou Soukri and Seau d’eau, two very sacred and mystical religious sites in Haiti.
OWS keeps hitting the News. The Wave keeps spreading and what most People see on the Media, Worldwide, are either..
Bald is Beautiful
We are particularly glad, today, to present you Last Stand on the Island, a project by Evan Abramson and Carmen..