25 aprile 2014

25 aprile 2014

Radici Memorie Partigiane Oggi è il 25 aprile 2014. Abbiamo deciso di festeggiarlo anticipandovi un progetto in cui crediamo molto...
A conversation with John Stanmayer

A conversation with John Stanmayer

(…) Consider photography as music; there are moments in a symphony or any arrangement where the rhythm and musical lyric of a composition has elements of intensity, shifting over to extremely sublet yet equally felt measures barely perceptible yet can be felt in great complexity or weight. (…)

<!--:it-->Il Sacro ad Haiti <!--:--><!--:en-->Sacred in Haiti<!--:-->

Il Sacro ad Haiti Sacred in Haiti

“Sacred in Haiti” is the result of a journey and the discovery of the traditional vodoo ceremonies in Lakou Soukri and Seau d’eau, two very sacred and mystical religious sites in Haiti.“Sacred in Haiti” is the result of a journey and the discovery of the traditional vodoo ceremonies in Lakou Soukri and Seau d’eau, two very sacred and mystical religious sites in Haiti.