
Three, Three, Three – Tres, Tres, Tres

Three, Three, Three – Tres, Tres, Tres

(repost in occasion of the World Autism Awareness Day)

[english and spanish below - en espanol mas adelante]

La storia di Alejando, Alvaro e Jaime, tre gemelli diciottenni di Siviglia. Sono affetti da autismo e vivono in un mondo tutto loro nel quale ciascuno di loro ha una dote diversa.

Alejandro – l’ “artista” -  è l’esperto di puzzle; Alvaro – l’ “inventore” – realizza piccolo oggetti che porta sempre con se’; Jaime, è il “portavoce” dei tre e ha una memoria prodigiosa.

Il reportage di Jose Antonio de Lamadrid, Menzione Speciale Shoot4Change al premio internazionale di fotografia REVELA (che premia sia i fotografi che le ong di cui raccontano le storie) intende raccontare positivamente l’autismo e le Associazioni che aiutano chi ne è affetto a recuperare una normale quotidianeità.

Vi innamorerete di questi tre ragazzi...

Antonio Amendola


This is a nice story. One of those nice small local stories we seldom look at but that are hitting so many families around us.

It's about autism and three incredible boys. And it's about those who help the families with autistic kids.

I decided, together with my other Revela Award Jury members, to give this story a Shoot4Change Honorable Mentions as best positive local story.  Read it, look at the images (click here), and learn more about the Project. It's worth it.

No need to explain, why. Antonio Amendola

The brothers brush their teeth to go to school. Jaime, spokesperson of the brothers, makes jokes with his brother Alvaro. Seville, 2012 Spain
Los hermanos se lavan los dientes para ir a la escuela. Jaime, que hace de portavoz de los tres, bromea con su hermano Älvaro. Sevilla, Espàña 2012


The Story

(by Jose Antonio de Lamadrid with Autismo Sevilla)

Jaime has a great memory, able to recall specific calendar dates and names literally, is the spokesperson of the three. 2012 Seville, Spain
Jaime, tiene una gran memoria, capaz de recordar fechas concretas del calendario y nombres de forma literal, es el portavoz de los tres. Sevilla, España 2012

Alejandro, Alvaro and Jaime are 18 years old and are brothers triplets with autism, a complex neurological disorder that affects about 1 in 166 children in the world.  Children affected by autism spectrum disorder can have a wide variety of symptoms including problems with communication and socialization skills. This makes beings not able of normal social relationships. His parents Noelia and Jaime, tell us that after 12 months of age began to be noticeable differences with other children, not attending to calls and did not show things that appeal to them or interest them, a plane the sky, a barking dog, a sweet to eat.

Álvaro of small that suffered a brain injury goes to a specialized autism. His brothers Alexander and James go to high school to a special class, for greater integration.

Alvaro and Jaime  still being monozygotic twins and  Alejandro twin dizygotic suffer varying degrees of autism, are defined as ‘autistic wise’, as they have very specific skills developed.
Alexander, ‘The Artist’ is a great artist and is able to perform, from the age of six puzzle pieces over 1,000 hours. Alvaro, always carries in his hands something he calls ‘inventions’, figures created from plasticine or pieces as, combs, scissors, paper or something that you enjoy. Jaime has a great memory, able to recall specific calendar dates and names literally, is the spokesperson of the three. Now with 18 years, “Jaime says” I’m going to buy a white BMW.

“He waited impatiently for the arrival of that magical age to realize their dreams: “Go to the Caribbean, Murcia go to work in a factory with my cousin Laura, cursing … Poetic license for many who have problems of communication and language, as autistic children do not know the lie, sarcasm of or damage. They live in an isolated and repetitive world from which they will never exit in their life.



Álvaro, always carries in his hands something he calls inventions. He hopes his brothers in the kitchen. Álvaro young suffered a brain injury goes to a specialized autism center. His brothers Alejandro and Jaime go to high school to a special class, for greater integration. Seville, Spain 2012
Álvaro, siempre lleva en sus manos algo que él llama inventos, espera a sus hermanos en la cocina. Álvaro que de pequeño sufrió una lesión cerebral acude a un centro especializado en autismo. Sus hermanos Alejandro y Jaime van al instituto a un aula especial, para conseguir mayor integración. Sevilla, España 2012.

The Project

Promotion of social activities for people with autism to develop their personal autonomy.

Promotion of personal autonomy with community activities. The nexus between the controlled intervention and under requirements, more or less firm, both structuring and multi precise control variables for intervention,  and access to the community and more standardized activities of people with autism;  including inclusion, integration, psychomotor development, generalization of learning, habituation to environments, spaces, places and new activities, expanding their interests and experiences.

These types of activities are going to the pool, the accompanying classes, trips to the theater or the movies, or even a trip. These activities are chosen by the person with autism and their families, this entity suing initial support for its implementation. The service will manage the integration of the participant, the preparation of individualized guidance and counseling responsible staff for the activity.


Clothing of the triplets on the bed where they sleep in summer. Noelia always dress them equal. 2012 Seville, Spain
Ropa de los trillizos sobre la cama donde duermen en verano. Noelia los viste siempre iguales. Sevilla, España 2012

Autism Sevilla

Autism Sevilla is an association of parents of people with autism spectrum disorders nonprofit that aims to promote the quality of life of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their families throughout their life cycle.

As an entity specializing in ASD, from CIR Sevilla Autism, we aim to offer society a group of experts who can advise, guide and assist in all actions directed from various segments of people with ASD and their families and deploy specialized resources necessary to provide comprehensive care to develop services or activities with and for our users: people with ASD and their families, seeking their participation and personalizing the greatest extent possible, looking for technical excellence and management from a solid professional training. and collaborating with various sectors of society to achieve greater inclusion.

The author

Jose Antonio de Lamadrid Works in newspapers as Diario16, Diario de Andalusia, ADN  or Diary Sevilla articulate much of his career, as well as numerous collaborations in general magazines like Interviu and Tiempo, or news agencies such as Getty Images, Cordon Press , Cover and EFE. His patient look allows you to publish in international publication like  Sunday Times. Le Figaro, Paris Match, Focus Magazine. El país semanal, Le Monde magazine. The Times, La Mirada, The New YorkTimes, Magazine de La Vanguardia, Interviú, Cambio 16. His career was recognized in 2002 with the ‘Award for Journalism Andalucía’ Other awards accompany this prestigious recognition.

Alvaro, Jaime and Alexander expect the swimming instructor. 2012 Seville, Spain
Alvaro, Alejandro y Jaime esperan a la monitora de piscina. Sevilla, España 2012

For nearly twenty five-year career has more than a dozen photographic exhibitions. In addition, a dozen books complete the extensive biography.

De Lamadrid is one of the four founding members of the Bluephoto documentary agency and he's now also Member of Shoot4Change.





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Tres, tres, tres

(repost in occasion of the World Autism Awareness Day)

by Jose Antonio de Lamadrid with Autismo Sevilla


El Reportaje

Alejandro, is a great artist and he is able to perform from the age of six  puzzle of 1000 pieces in hours. 2012 Seville, Spain
Alejandro, 'el artista', es un gran dibujante y es capaz de realizar, desde los seis años, puzles de más de 1.000 piezas en horas. Sevilla, España 2012

Alejandro, Álvaro y Jaime tienen 18 años y son hermanos trillizos con autismo, un complejo desorden neurológico que afecta alrededor de 1 cada 166 niños en el mundo.
Los niños afectados por el trastorno del espectro autista pueden tener una amplia variedad de síntomas que incluyen problemas de comunicación y habilidades de socialización. Esto los convierte en seres incapaces de mantener relaciones sociales normales.
Sus padres Noelia y Jaime, nos cuentan que a partir de los 12 meses de edad empezaron a hacerse notables las diferencias con el resto de niños, no atendían a las llamadas y no señalaban cosas que les llaman la atención o les interesan, un avión en el cielo, un perro ladrando, un dulce que quieren comer.

A los tres años les hacen el diagnóstico de los descartes: no son sordos; no tienen problemas neurológicos ni genéticos. “Cuando no tienen ninguno de esos síntomas, tienen autismo”.
Álvaro que de pequeño sufrió una lesión cerebral acude a un centro especializado en autismo. Sus hermanos Alejandro y Jaime van al instituto a un aula especial, para conseguir mayor integración.


Jaime y Álvaro aún siendo gemelos y Alejandro mellizo sufren diferentes grados de autismo, se definen como ‘autistas sabios’, ya que cuentan con habilidades específicas muy desarrolladas.
Alejandro, ‘el artista’, es un gran dibujante y es capaz de realizar, desde los seis años, puzzles de más de 1.000 piezas en horas.
Álvaro, lleva siempre en sus manos algo que él mismo denomina ‘inventos’, figuras creadas a partir de plastilina o piezas como, peines, tijeras de papel o algo que le divierta.
Jaime, tiene una gran memoria, capaz de recordar fechas concretas del calendario y nombres de forma literal, es el portavoz de los tres.
Ya con 18 años”, Jaime dice que “me voy a comprar un BMW blanco”. Esperó con impaciencia la llegada de esa mágica edad para realizar sus sueños: “Ir al Caribe, irme a Murcia a trabajar en una fábrica con mi prima Laura, decir palabrotas… Licencia poética para quienes tantos problemas tienen de comunicación y de lenguaje, ya que los niños autistas no conocen la mentira, el sarcasmo o el daño.
Viven en un mundo aislado y repetitivo del que no saldrán en toda su vida.

Jaime, Alejandro and Alvaro go to schools in their parents' car. When they were three years old they made the diagnosis of dismiss: not deaf, they have no genetic or neurological problems. "When you do not have any of these symptoms, you have autism.". Seville, Spain 2012.
Jaime, Alejandro y Álvaro se dirigen a sus centros de estudios en el coche de sus padres. A los tres años les hacen el diagnóstico de los descartes: no son sordos; no tienen problemas neurológicos ni genéticos. "Cuando no tienen ninguno de esos síntomas, tienen autismo". Sevilla, España 2012.

El Proyecto

Promoción de actividades sociales en personas con Autismo para desarrollar su autonomía personal.

Jaime, father of triplets washes and shaves Alejandro, After he washed his others sons. After three years they made the diagnosis of dismiss: not deaf, they have no genetic or neurological problems. "When you do not have any of these symptoms, have autism. 2012 Seville, Spain.
Jaime, padre de los trillizos lava y afeita a Alejandro, después de haber aseado a sus otros dos hijos. A los tres años les hacen el diagnóstico de los descartes: no son sordos; no tienen problemas neurológicos ni genéticos. "Cuando no tienen ninguno de esos síntomas, tienen autismo". Sevilla, España 2012.

Promoción de la autonomía personal con actividades en la comunidad. El nexo entre la intervención controlada y bajo requisitos, más o menos firmes, tanto de estructuración como de múltiples variables precisas de controlar para la intervención, y el acceso a la comunidad y a las actividades más normalizadas de las personas con autismo; incluyendo la inclusión, la integración, el desarrollo psicomotor, la generalización de aprendizajes, la habituación a ambientes, espacios, lugares y actividades novedosas, la ampliación de sus intereses y experiencias.
Este tipo de actividades son acudir a la piscina, el acompañamiento a clases, salidas al teatro o al cine, o incluso algún viaje. Estas actividades son elegidas por la persona con autismo y sus familiares, demandando a esta entidad el apoyo inicial para su realización. El servicio gestionará la incorporación del participante, la confección de unas


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