BACKDRAFT: what it means to support the troops

[Siamo particolarmente contenti di presentare un nuovo ingresso in S4C, Mathieu Grandjean, fotografo francese di base a Los Angeles. Mathieu si presenta con un estratto del suo ultimo lavoro su un argomento di forte attualità, non solo negli Usa: i veterani di guerra ed il loro ritorno nella cd “società civile”. Tema forte, intenso, che racconta, con un bianco e nero potente, il difficile rapporto tra una società propensa al valore militare e la stessa società che deve fare i conti col ritorno, col reintegro. Un’analisi disincantata sulla società americana e sul grande lavoro di tante associazioni di volontari]

We are particularly glad to welcome onboard Mathieu Grandjean, french photographer based in Los Angeles, USA.

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He has been living in Los Angeles since 2004, and he is specialized in long term social documentary project and portraiture. He was selected by the Bourse du Talent in 2003 and 2005. His work has appeared in,, San Francisco Bay Guardian,,, Liberation, Figaro Magazine, Latences. His work has also shown in the the Power House Arena (New York), the Annenberg Space for Photography and the 13th International Los Angeles Photographic Art exposition (Los Angeles). And currently, the Backdraft project is shown at the 2010 Fotografia Festival Rome, Italia.

He received a sponsorship from the Eastman Kodak Company to support the Backdraft project recently featured in “This is where we take our Stand”, a web-series by David Zeiger.

His latest work, Backdraft (we publish here an excerpt) critically explores the domestic consequences of America’s military endeavors on military veterans and their families. It looks at the work of individuals or organizations that provide for their needs or that explore the intrusion of militarism in the U.S. society.

(click to see the flash gallery)

Only 34% of the twenty three million living military U.S. veterans are enrolled in the Veterans Healthcare System. Coming from a military culture that considers psychological issues a sign of weakness many disabled veterans avoid proper care. Others struggle to receive benefits from an overwhelmed Veterans Administration. In an American society that promotes the sanctity of personal firearms; military service is considered an avenue for acquiring experience, discipline, and educational support that is often difficult to obtain through other means. In this way, the all-volunteer military has, in essence, become a poverty draft.

(click to see the html gallery)

Most of these pictures were taken in California, which is the state with the highest number of military veterans, more than two millions.

If you want to know more about the project, visit Mathieu Grandjean website or contact him

In the meanwhile, enjoy the galleries:


And Here is the link of a call for Submission for an event, Open Show, that he produces in Los Angeles.

The first event is October 21 2010.

Open Show is a free monthly event that provides photographers, filmmakers and multimedia producers the chance to present and speak about their work in high-profile spaces.

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