All posts by Redazione

Lo sguardo di 2 Gagi

Lo sguardo di 2 Gagi

Progetto fotografico sulla comunità sinta  a Pavia  A cura di Simone Ludovico e Enrico Doria   Pavia.Via Lungo Ticino Sforza...
A conversation with John Stanmayer

A conversation with John Stanmayer

(…) Consider photography as music; there are moments in a symphony or any arrangement where the rhythm and musical lyric of a composition has elements of intensity, shifting over to extremely sublet yet equally felt measures barely perceptible yet can be felt in great complexity or weight. (…)

Il mondo di Daniele

Il mondo di Daniele

[english abstract: the first images shot by Daniele, a homeless student at the S4C House of the Storytellers. They are..