All posts by Redazione
Children of the Forest, la storia di un grande progetto curato da grandi persone. Una foresta, bambini malati, madri abbandonate o violate. Diritti negati. E volontari che li aiutano…Children of the Forest is a project aimed at providing protection, education and health care to Karen and Mon children and mothers in most urgent need living in the Sangkhlaburi border zone.
1/3 of the images portray a homeless person; 2/3 of the images portray persons who are NOT homeless. It’s not important to know which…] 1/3 of the images portray a homeless person; 2/3 of the images portray persons who are NOT homeless. It’s not important to know which…]
Ho visto S4C negli occhi venerdì. E mi è piaciuto…Friday, I’ve seen S4C in its Eyes. And I liked it…
“(…) eppure dietro a quei vestiti lacerati e a quei visi sporchi ho scorso dei sorrisi, e la forza immensa di chi non smette mai di lottare e sperare”
an insight in a large Jakarta – Indonesia’s Capital – slum. High impact shots that show, however, the sparkle of Life even in the worst scenarios