All posts by Redazione

Children of the Forest

Children of the Forest

Children of the Forest, la storia di un grande progetto curato da grandi persone. Una foresta, bambini malati, madri abbandonate o violate. Diritti negati. E volontari che li aiutano…Children of the Forest is a project aimed at providing protection, education and health care to Karen and Mon children and mothers in most urgent need living in the Sangkhlaburi border zone.

The Face of Detroit

The Face of Detroit

1/3 of the images portray a homeless person; 2/3 of the images portray persons who are NOT homeless. It’s not important to know which…] 1/3 of the images portray a homeless person; 2/3 of the images portray persons who are NOT homeless. It’s not important to know which…]

Open Show Rome launch!

Open Show Rome launch!

Invia qui il tuo progetto per la presentazione al nostro primo evento a Roma: La ‘prima’ a Roma dell’Open..
Wordless Film Festival

Wordless Film Festival

Si chiama WORDLESS il festival/concorso cinematografico che si terrà ad Acquaviva delle Fonti il 16, 17 e 18 Settembre 2011...
Jakarta Slums

Jakarta Slums

“(…) eppure dietro a quei vestiti lacerati e a quei visi sporchi ho scorso dei sorrisi, e la forza immensa di chi non smette mai di lottare e sperare”

an insight in a large Jakarta – Indonesia’s Capital – slum. High impact shots that show, however, the sparkle of Life even in the worst scenarios