All posts by Redazione



S4C Press Office keep sending me press releases about Afghanistan situation. The latest, a worrying one, is the following: (DJ)..


 [what we present today – altough the text is only in italian and I apologise – is an insight into the..


english and spanish below [anticipazione del reportage di Daniele Volpe/Guatemala] In molti quartieri delle aree marginali di Città del Guatemala,..
I cantieri che vogliamo

I cantieri che vogliamo

  Si è svolta a Palermo nei giorni 6-7-8 Gennaio 2012 la manifestazione “Cultura Bene Comune” all’interno dei Cantieri Culturali..
<!--:it-->Il Sacro ad Haiti <!--:--><!--:en-->Sacred in Haiti<!--:-->

Il Sacro ad Haiti Sacred in Haiti

“Sacred in Haiti” is the result of a journey and the discovery of the traditional vodoo ceremonies in Lakou Soukri and Seau d’eau, two very sacred and mystical religious sites in Haiti.“Sacred in Haiti” is the result of a journey and the discovery of the traditional vodoo ceremonies in Lakou Soukri and Seau d’eau, two very sacred and mystical religious sites in Haiti.