Almas del Pasado (an exhibition)

If you happen to be in Barcelona next September, be sure not to miss this David Kame’s photo exhibition: ALMAS DEL PASADO (click here to read more about David, who – by the way – is a very active member of S4C).

The exhibition, host by the Fundacio Casa del Tibet in Barcelona-Spain, is about Tibet, its People, its beauties, its ancient culture and the old, current and emerging social issues.

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Tibet is facing many challenges, mainly the conservation of it ancient traditions vis-a-vis the relations with China.

Shoot4Change will be among the main sponsors of this exhibition, not only because David Kame is a very active member and very talented documentary photographer but also becasue S4C strongly believes in keeping an high awareness and attention on issues that would easily be shadowed or ignored.

Be sure not to miss it!



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(click to enlarge and read)


There are 2 comments

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  1. Lori Ann Scott-Johnson

    Great! I might be in Spain teaching a photo workshop that month. or perhaps October:)

    Great work!

  2. David

    Thank you, Lori Ann.
    You will be more than welcome to the Exhbition.
    The inauguration will be on September 15th at 20:00 o’clock at the Casa del Tibet Foundation.

    Looking forward to meeting you.


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