
AlinaALINA – a story

[Ancora una volta, la nostra Irina Popova ci racconta una storia. Una di quelle piccole storie che normalmente non conosceremmo mai. Eppure possono fare la differenza. E’ la storia di una ragazza, affetta da quello che chiamiamo “disturbo mentale”, ma ciò che disturba forse è la sua storia. Affidata ad un orfanotrofio dai genitori, giornalisti ucraini che rifiutano anche solo di parlarle; incontra una giovane fotografa che le presta la sua macchina fotografica. E comincia a raccontare il “suo” orfanotrofio. Con una delicatezza e spontaneità che disturba i “superiori” che tendono a non far sapere cosa accade lì dentro. La fotografia è una terapia per lei… E il messaggio finale, i tre desideri che esprime alla fine del video che vedrete, lasciano l’amaro in bocca, sì, ma anche tanta speranza. Una storia che fa riflettere sul senso di ciò che facciamo, come S4C, come fotografi, come raccontastorie. Ecco a voi la storia di Alina…. Antonio Amendola]


(a story presented  by Irina Popova)

(video by Vira Pidgaina)

Alina (19 years old) likes a lot to take pictures. She lives in boarding school for girls with mental disorders in Ukraine.

First time Alina tried herself as a photographer was 3 years ago. For a few days she had a chance to use a photo camera of visitors, who were shooting short documentary about girls in this boarding school. Results of first Alina’s photo tries were really good; she has not only good felling of composition, but also her photos are very emotional.

Some of Alina’s photos were sent to national photo competition organized by newspaper “Day” in category under 18 years old. One of the competition sponsors was really touched by Alina’s photos and her story and presented her with a simplest digital photo camera. So now Alina has her own camera and can shoot as much as she wants.


“When I took photo camera for the first time it was very interesting for me and I was so exited, – Alina says. – Most of all I like to take pictures of kids. Their portraits are the most interesting. They do not pose; expressions of their faces are so different and so interesting – when they are thoughtful or when they are happy about something or just when they are playing with toys. Also I like to take portraits of other girls from boarding school; some of them are quit pretty and photogenic. It’s very interesting for me as well to take photos of nature. Last summer few weeks we spent in summer camp near church. And the nature was very beautiful there. Most of the time weather was bad, it was cloudy and it was raining. But one day there was a sun and in the morning everything looked so great in rays of sun –church, flowers, and forest around it. The picture I took at that moment looks like a painting, very beautiful. Also it was very interesting for me to take picture when it was the first snow. Girls were playing outside and I was taking picture. It was great. I always take picture of all events in our school, all holidays and parties, all out going out and travel”.

Every girl in boarding school has a photo album and it’s one of the most precious things for girls. They keep all photos with friend and visitors, photos from different places they been at etc. Girls like to show their photos to all who is interesting and to tell the story of every picture. Also it very interesting to see on photos how kids are changing from year to year, how grown up they have become. So now when Alina has a photo camera and takes pictures, nannies print the best of them for girls’ photo albums.


Alina is a leader in her group in boarding school. When teaches or nannies are not there she is the one in charge. She is very responsible and knows how to keep a discipline in her group. A lot of time Alina spends with the youngest kids in their boarding school. She likes a lot to take care of them, to help them, to teach them and just play with them. Recently new 5 year old girl was brought to their boarding school. And now she is Alina’s favorite model.


[Ancora una volta, la nostra Irina Popova ci racconta una storia. Una di quelle piccole storie che normalmente non conosceremmo mai. Eppure possono fare la differenza. E’ la storia di una ragazza, affetta da quello che chiamiamo “disturbo mentale”, ma ciò che disturba forse è la sua storia. Affidata ad un orfanotrofio dai genitori, giornalisti ucraini che rifiutano anche solo di parlarle; incontra una giovane fotografa che le presta la sua macchina fotografica. E comincia a raccontare il “suo” orfanotrofio. Con una delicatezza e spontaneità che disturba i “superiori” che tendono a non far sapere cosa accade lì dentro. La fotografia è una terapia per lei… E il messaggio finale, i tre desideri che esprime alla fine del video che vedrete, lasciano l’amaro in bocca, sì, ma anche tanta speranza. Una storia che fa riflettere sul senso di ciò che facciamo, come S4C, come fotografi, come raccontastorie. Ecco a voi la storia di Alina…. Antonio Amendola]


(a story presented  by Irina Popova)

(video by Vira Pidgaina)

Alina (19 years old) likes a lot to take pictures. She lives in boarding school for girls with mental disorders in Ukraine.

First time Alina tried herself as a photographer was 3 years ago. For a few days she had a chance to use a photo camera of visitors, who were shooting short documentary about girls in this boarding school. Results of first Alina’s photo tries were really good; she has not only good felling of composition, but also her photos are very emotional.

Some of Alina’s photos were sent to national photo competition organized by newspaper “Day” in category under 18 years old. One of the competition sponsors was really touched by Alina’s photos and her story and presented her with a simplest digital photo camera. So now Alina has her own camera and can shoot as much as she wants.


“When I took photo camera for the first time it was very interesting for me and I was so exited, – Alina says. – Most of all I like to take pictures of kids. Their portraits are the most interesting. They do not pose; expressions of their faces are so different and so interesting – when they are thoughtful or when they are happy about something or just when they are playing with toys. Also I like to take portraits of other girls from boarding school; some of them are quit pretty and photogenic. It’s very interesting for me as well to take photos of nature. Last summer few weeks we spent in summer camp near church. And the nature was very beautiful there. Most of the time weather was bad, it was cloudy and it was raining. But one day there was a sun and in the morning everything looked so great in rays of sun –church, flowers, and forest around it. The picture I took at that moment looks like a painting, very beautiful. Also it was very interesting for me to take picture when it was the first snow. Girls were playing outside and I was taking picture. It was great. I always take picture of all events in our school, all holidays and parties, all out going out and travel”.

Every girl in boarding school has a photo album and it’s one of the most precious things for girls. They keep all photos with friend and visitors, photos from different places they been at etc. Girls like to show their photos to all who is interesting and to tell the story of every picture. Also it very interesting to see on photos how kids are changing from year to year, how grown up they have become. So now when Alina has a photo camera and takes pictures, nannies print the best of them for girls’ photo albums.


Alina is a leader in her group in boarding school. When teaches or nannies are not there she is the one in charge. She is very responsible and knows how to keep a discipline in her group. A lot of time Alina spends with the youngest kids in their boarding school. She likes a lot to take care of them, to help them, to teach them and just play with them. Recently new 5 year old girl was brought to their boarding school. And now she is Alina’s favorite model.


There is 1 comment

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  1. Irina Popova

    Dear Antonio! Thanks a lot for publishing the material. I hope we can encourage the work with the socially unsecured groups to give them the possibility of self-expression through photography!

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