(a lot) in the Pipeline

After a few sneak peek on Facebook, I’ve been asked what is in the pipeline of S4C Rome (it would be too long to talk here about the rest of S4C!).

Well, as usual, we have A LOT going on. The two main projects are “PUNTO DI FUGA” and a pilot test of a project we would maybe call “S4C: Next Generation”.

The first one is about mapping Rome through the photos shot by around 15 women refugees living in a shelter in Rome.

We gave them quite a few compact cameras, told them how to use them and we’re following them around the city… There are a number of Teams composed by two, three or four of them and a couple of S4C tutors for each Team.

Stay tuned....

We intend to showcase their best shot in June in occasion of the World Refugee Day in Rome.

The goal of the project is to enhance their relation with the city (sometimes it’s almost non exhistence, because they prefer to stay in their room instead of facing the challenges of a new city, a new culture, a new language) and to give them the tools to understand it better and to look at it with different eyes.

At the end of the day, hopefully, we’ll get to know each other better and we’ll all would have had a lot of fun together! We’ll see…

Last, BUT NOT LEAST, a very very interesting project. We started a pilot phase in a Rome midtown school. A true multicultural laboratory where kids from all ethnic groups in Rome meet. Rome, Italy, most of Europe countries are, somehow, new to the new generations of immigrants. And these kids ARE italians as we are. Altough they have to wait 18 years old until they are acknowledged their citizenship. No comment…

In the meantime, we asked a bunch of those kids to follow us… A S4C Team is teaching them basic photography and how to tell stories with their cameras.

Eventually, since we are thinking of launching this format in other cities of the World where S4C is active, we’ll link all these groups of kids and they’ll communicate among them on chosen issues and topics ONLY with their photos.

We’re raising a NEW GENERATION of S4C photographers! Ones who can fall in love with photography and know how to have fun with it. And at the same time, over the time of course, they’ll learn how to use it for a purpose….

We are about to start it in Bangladesh, USA, maybe Costa Rica and…WHEREVER YOU ASK US TO DO AND HELP DOING IT!

Ok, this was just a sneak peek into two intersting projects. Stay tuned to learn more…..


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