A good news: annoucing the birth of Shoot4Change MEXICO!

While the Soccer World Championship still pack almost everybody agenda and engage all the coffetable chats….and during the warm up before the “real” Antiracist World championship to be held in Bologna starting next week (and S4C will massively be there)…I’m particularly happy to annouce the birth of a new S4C branch.

Experienced street photographer, Alessio Coghe, will – starting today – coordinate Shoot4Change MEXICO.

Anybody who’s around that part of the World, and willing to enroll in S4C Mexico, please contact Alessio.

Alessio took this opportunity to send us a first street photo from D.F. (Mexico City, Districto Federal) on the wave of our Ghost project.

(GHOST in D.F. by Alessio Coghe)

(GHOST in D.F. by Alessio Coghe)


[vsw id=”mwbVryvVpE4″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

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  1. alxcoghephotographer

    I’m proud to be a member of team S4C. I’ll coordinate this embassy in Distrito Federal, Mexico City with the hope that soon other friends will join this project.

    Thanks you all,


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